The Solanaceae Artist Collective

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About Us
The Solanaceae Artist Collective is a group of arthouse indie musicians from Winnipeg, Canada. We create music in a variety of genres.

We are dark, pretentious and drug addled.

All of our music can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and all of those places. We can be found on Soulseek under the username ".:SolanaceaeCollective" I try to be online as often as I can. Of course, we give you permission to share our work wherever you please.

You will not be hearing what you are used to hearing, but don't worry we try not to be too difficult to your mainstream sensibilities. You will have to understand that you are about to experience something you never thought possible. You will not have realized music can do that. Don't worry, we're not weird, we're never weird, we don't make any weird stupid noises. We will be pompous enough to state we do break boundaries, however we do a lot more exposing of unknown boundaries than we do breaking them.

Music is now reaching the point of total refinement. We no longer make any weird stupid noises. Pop music, though most of it falls under the sheen of unartful mediocrity, is most certainly refined. More importantly, underground art house music has discovered, broken, repaired and refined every element of sound. It is now ready to be brought to the attention of the general public and that is what we are here to do. We are here to take the advancements of the underground and make them palatable to the masses.

We don't want a record label, we don't need a record label, fuck your record labels. Take God's art and filter it through the sheen of unartful mediocrity to make it more palatable to the idiotic masses and then rape and rape your beautiful artists so you may hoard and hoard while your artists starve. We envision a future where success is based on artistic talent and not marketing. We envision a future where art is always free. Our music will always be free.

No you may not play our music on the radio, no you may not review our work on your website or magazine, no you may not give us any awards or accolades, no we do not sell merchandise. We do not despise these four things as we despise mainstream record labels but they are not for us. No you may not remix or cover our music if you are not an artist under our collective. No you may not use any of our music anywhere if you are not an artist under our collective or friendly with an artist under our collective, not for commercial purposes, not for non-commercial purposes. No you may not apply to become a member of the collective. I apologize if this all seems a little over the top, I apologize that the only place I could put this paragraph is in "About Us" as if this is the kind of thing we are all about.

You may learn all about what we consider good music to be at Bright Neon Lights. Our written words of fiction and poetry can be found at Ethereal Pages. Our cute little indie role playing video games can be found at Telephasic Workshop.

.: Bandcamp .: SoundCloud .: Instagram .: YouTube .: Discogs .: MusicBrainz .: .: Playlists .: Contact
February 8th, 2025 .: First x#!*┦97 Album
The first x#!*┦97 is up, "1 LP."

It, no... I know. It is February that you start getting the others, it is. 4 months ago Jen was the pessimist and I was the optimist, Jen knew this was never going to be fixed and I was all "No I'm pretty sure we have it now." Now Jen is the optimist and I am the pessimist, I know the rest of our lives is staring directly at the most irritating possible problem. Luckily I have the ability to go more or less emotionally dead to it, Jen does not have that ability. Though I do have to empty my auto feelings repress storage basin every now and then and yell at it like it's a people. We currently see things working and we're positive we know every aspect of it but we've seen things working and have been positive we know every aspect of it in the past, every time going "Well obviously we can see now how we were wrong last time but now everything makes perfect sense." But it's February that this is done, it is. We trust Jen's feelings better than we trust mine, feminine intuition stuff. Seriously this is levels of annoying outside of your perceived reality you have no idea.

January 26th, 2025 .: New Future Project Conceived
Sigh, wrong again Kit Carruthers. You have absolutely no idea how many projects reside within your soul, do you? "x#!*┦97."

Ergh. Ergh! ALMOST. Almost fixed. Fucking. Fucking. So. Close. So. Close. IF THERE ARE ANY MORE SURPISES I KILL MYSELF AND WE NEVER GET TO DO ANYTHING BIG. There, you hear that God? If this isn't over soon I kill myself and therefor this is over soon. Really really really. Like, like, like, like, by Monday. By Monday Chris is on The Solanaceae Collective. Really.

January 17th, 2025 .: SoundCloud
I put us on SoundCloud too. I was using SoundCloud personally for awhile before I put things on streaming services before I realized I guess Bandcamp is a little better you can personalize your page better and unlimited uploading is free SoundCloud is just better if you want promotion, oh promotion no no we don't do promotion no we don't want SoundCloud. PROMOTION, pfft. But okay fine we can do both we'll take promotion as long as it only seems to outside observers like an offhand effort, but no, no main attraction is permitted to engage in any further blatant promotion outside of casual conversation not even in your own mind are you permitted to want to promote, and I know you don't, but I don't own the minds of the side acts you can do whatever you want.

Uploading .//phenethylamine is giving me grief so it'll be a little while for all of that to be in order. Two albums only want to ever upload half of the tracks and SoundCloud seems to think all tracks that have both a beat and screeching are the same track so it declared a bunch of it a copyright issue and I'll have to sort it out.

I know I know we don't have any of the others yet. Everyone is ready to go we're just ironing out this one stupid fucking thing before we can start anything. We know how to fix it, new problems keep coming up but we know how to fix them. It's been like four months of trying to fix this stupid fucking thing, no there is absolutely nothing cool and hardcore about it it's fucking sTuPId! It's sTuPiD! It could only be a few more days at most.

December 23th, 2024 .: New Future Project Conceived
Okay NOW every project out that my soul feels. I was thinking... Interpol already did Interpol and Redjetson already did post-rock Interpol... But I really want to do Interpol my soul does call out for it. Then I realize I can actually go different places with this and it is a pretty important sound within me, so, it's happening. And no Joy Division did not do Interpol before Interpol did Interpol, Interpol only sounds like a ripoff of Joy Division to people who have only listened to a single post-punk band. "Maintaining Your Sharp Image With Cocaine."

December 16th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Special Track
Another IDM epic. "The Electrocution of Flowers Is Not a Thing Likely to Succeed." Really really really for reals it shouldn't be too much longer before Chris, our electronic music guy is up. Then Jen, our ethereal shoegaze slowcore lady should quickly follow, then Steve our emo violence black metal sludge metal guy will be not too long after that.

November 19th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Special Track
I did an abstract minimalism, but Kit Carruthers minimalism so a little easier to swallow minimalism. "Shrieking Hatred, Frantic Hostility, Irrepressible Violence."

November 8th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Special Track
I made an epic IDM electronic post-rock. "I Am Asking the Questions."

October 23rd, 2024 .: New Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry Album
Here's the fourth Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry. "Sunshine and Birdsong and Rainbows and Butterflies and Cocaine LP." It's all bright and happy sparkles. And no that thing I did... No I am not making a statement about covering up a deep sadness with chemical support I just thought it was neat. I don't do music represents stuff instrumental music is telling a story stuff I just do a general this project is a feeling stuff. Then O Beautiful Death is going to be a little bit more of a statement than a feeling but it still isn't the instrumental sounds represent stuff.

September 25th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Special Track
Every now and then we will create a track labelled "Special" that gets announced on this page. These tracks will never go on a compilation, they are stand alone. "A Blinding Glare That Causes You to Turn Your Head but Then There's Another Blinding Glare." Drone is not usually a thing I will subject you to, I understand it can go over some heads, I understand some people view it as equivalent to... Eyugh, "new age," but no, this is not new age music, it is a whole different animal. Speaking of which I just wanted to say that I saw a story on a message board about a person who's friend said ambient is new age and he was all "I know a lot about music and no it isn't" and the other guy was all "Uh, no. You're an idiot. I know nothing about music and yes it is. Idiot." And I just wanted to say I hate you and I don't think you should have babies.

September 12th, 2024 .: New Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry Album
"Not All of the Flowers Will Grow Again LP." I don't want to make the same album over and over and there isn't a whole lot of difference between this one and the last one but I had to do something special with my new drum machine and strings and flutes. This is an amazing professional drum machine software, I'll be able to use it long into me buying hardware. And now I'm going to need to give it a rest with album art colours that point into or spin around a centre, I know, unfortunately I already made another album cover with colours that spin around the centre for a future collaborative project with Chris but now I'm going to need to figure out how to design graphics that don't point into the centre. And I always need to give credit, "Red Is the Fastest" is a thought that came out of an old friend's mind, Travis, that is a thought that did not originate in my brain but I said it different. I'm not sure if it even is the fastest or if that is a myth but fuck you it's just a track title.

.: Old Annoucements ↬