Old Announcements
July 24th, 2024 .: First Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry Album
Here is the introduction to
Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry, it's kinda sorta standard, I will be expanding on it in the future. "
Talking to Trees LP."
July 17th, 2024 .: New Future Project Conceived
I've been working on this one already for the past few days but I didn't have a name for it yet so I didn't post it. Should only be a week or three before you get to hear it. "Resplendent Chromaticity, Incandescent Bioluminescence and Kaleidoscopic Geometry."
July 13th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Compilation
I found some more early unreleased music. "
Early Kit Carruthers Compilation II." Oh and the other day I released a forgotten
Offret, "
Five Year Winter."
June 25th, 2024 .: New Kit Carruthers Compilation
I decided to put some early unreleased music on my
Kit Carruthers Bandcamp page. "
Early Kit Carruthers Compilation."
June 19th, 2024 .: New .//phenethylamine Album
Phew, after a bunch of mediocre Kit Carruthers work I was worried I had slipped into mediocrity and was going to get stuck there. I realized I still need to do one more thing with the current iteration of
.//phenethylamine. Obviously the final evolution of this ever increasing levels of complex and dramatic that I have been doing with these first few albums is absolute sensory overload. "
If You Think That There Is a Solution, You'll Die Here. LP" I'm afraid I have used up my current stash of photography. I have like five more but they're all for the next few
Offrets, soo... I had to do digital art for this one. Which I guess means the new
.//phenethylamine format is either photography or digital art for album covers because I can't just go implying the format is photography and then there's this one big stupid anomaly. Could you imagine a reality where I allow myself to break format? Absurd. An absurd reality that could never possibly exist. And no it is not a wormhole it's just a bunch of colours.
May 22nd, 2024 .: Bandcamp
I decided what the hell we'll just put the whole damn Solanaceae Collective on Bandcamp as well. In order to avoid any fuss when we attempt to get our solo dicking around in other genres music on compilations from other labels the music under our pseudonyms is still officially not on any label. This music is still under The Solanaceae Artist Collective as an artist collective but not as a label. And if any of the other labels we release on has a problem with that they can fly directly up their own ass.
March 21st, 2024 .: New Offret Compilation
I had a dream last night about making an
Offret compilation of the best of my older work and I figured if unconscious me wants it done I guess it's getting done. "
The Offret Compilation." Unfortunately the music I made in my dream does not actually exist, "my" dream music is always the most beautiful music I've ever heard. Oh and the fact that the album art is a vague glimpse of the horizon and there is a track entitled "A Vague Glimpse of Horizon" happened independently of eachother but I probably don't need to point these things out anymore you can just assume. Also I named the track "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Dying in Space" before I made it and realized it sounds a whole lot like dying in space. You will see that I kinda reused a certain sound from this in
The Dry Path as the plan was I would not be making this music full public.
March 20th, 2024 .: New Future Project Conceived
You know what? I think I'll just keep thinking up new projects and never stop. I cannot be stopped. I was all "I hope we find a dark passionate country side act that I can make post-rock I hope we find a dark passionate country side act that I can make post-rock." Then I'm all "Oh, right, I know how I can make that project happen." "Drunk and Dead in the Grass."
February 13th, 2024 .: New Offret Album
The sixth
Offret album is up. "
They're Harvesting our Organs LP." I am a very scary person. And no I did not murder a dog and record it those sounds came out of various synthesizer plugins. "Oh, oops, we're sounding like a dying dog again, I guess these last two tracks sound like a dying dog."
February 4th, 2024 .: New Offret Album
The fifth
Offret album is up. "
Mystery is a Fiction Genre Where the Nature of an Event Remains Mysterious Until the End of the Story LP." You may like this one better than previous
Offret albums if you are frightened of things that are frightening.
January 31st, 2024 .: New .//phenethylamine Album
I am a big fat liar, I ended up making another
.//phenethylamine album. "
We Believe in Nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. LP." I'm breaking my structure a little, while at the same time subtly incorporating a bit of a more traditional psytrance structure. One notch more dramatic than "
We Can't Stop Here, This is Bat Country! LP" Obviously I needed to do this one before I stepped my refinement up a level, I need to learn.
January 27th, 2024 .: New Future Project Conceived
Okay one more God damned new project then maybe I can be done. I've been toying with this one for well over a decade but I wasn't sure I was going to do it. Obviously I was going to do it. I mean I'm doing it. The fact that I am willing to do this project makes my level of pretentious that much more dangerous as now it is travelling through time and invading 90s nu metal. "Opposition to the Mainstream Consensus."
January 24th, 2024 .: New Offret Album
The fourth
Offret album is up. "
If it's All Over, Just Leave Already LP." I have two more left in me then I'll be taking a break from
Offret for a bit. You may be thinking "Slow down spaz, don't turn into one of those ambient artists who releases the same album 50 times." I assure you I won't be doing that, I'm going somewhere with this, I have a unique idea for all of these albums.
January 22nd, 2024 .: New Offret Album
The third
Offret album is up. "
Offret III LP." Do not start with this one or at first it may seem like some things that were intentional were not intentional, but by the end you will see they were intentional. Well now you're going to see it anyway but if we were in the parallel dimension where I hadn't said that, that is what would happen. Did that sound belittling enough? That was meant to belittle the concept of parallel dimensions. For whatever reason YouTube isn't giving me the neat little album display so for now you're getting the messy individual tracks and you're going to have to keep clicking from the main page, we'll see if we can fix this later.
January 16th, 2024 .: New Future Project Conceived
A new project came to me like a diamond bullet right through my forehead. "Elijah's Fire." I added it to "Our Projects" so check it out, it's going to be neat. On that note I also explained a little about the end of O Beautiful Death in "Our Projects." I promise I'll stop thinking up projects now, or at least I promise I'll try to stop, I'm really starting to push it.
January 10th, 2024 .: New .//phenethylamine Album
The second
.//phenethylamine is up. "
We Can't Stop Here, This is Bat Country! LP." As promised, a little more dramatic and involved. One track is a teeny tiny bit sad and one track is a teeny tiny bit tense. I understand sad trance and tense trance is illegal but fuck you I did it anyway. Now that I have done this I am taking a break from
.//phenethylamine for a little while until I get access to real actual people with real actual classical instruments. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry the clipping isn't perfect, I know it bothers me a lot more than it bothers you, but I did the best I could without flying into a rage at the concept of time.
January 9th, 2024 .: Bandcamp
I added a little Bandcamp link under my write up in "Our People." We're going to release in various genres and styles not covered in our projects under our pseudonyms and get them on Bandcamp compilations. I will not be announcing these tracks on this website until they are on a compilation, but you can hear these tracks as we make them if you keep an eye on our Bandcamp pages. In compilations I will be doing traditional ambient, IDM, illbient, psybient and noise.
January 4th, 2024 .: New Offret Album
A new
Offret album is up. "
Offret II LP." In this one I have introduced pulsation.
December 26th, 2023 .: First .//phenethylamine Album
Here's the first
.//phenethylamine album. "
Sometimes I'd Feel Very Old, Like My Whole Life is Over, Like I'm Not Around no More. LP." This one is rather minimal in order to establish sound and structure, I will be going to more dramatic and involved places with the next album but I will basically be maintaining the same structure for one more album. The Discogs and last.fm links are not currently active as I must wait for it to be on iTunes before I'm permitted to add a Discogs release and I'm OCD so Discogs and last.fm have to be done at exactly the same time.
December 22nd, 2023 .: We Are Up and Running
Okay well I am up and running. I'm still waiting on our three other main attractions and I am not going to contact my old friend the side act until I have all four of us up. Also one of our other main attractions has collected a couple other side acts. For now the only albums up are a
The Dry Path album, a
The Dry Path compilation of the best of my older work and one
Offret album, but don't worry we work pretty fast we'll be churning out stuff pretty fast. You may be thinking we're not so hot right now but don't worry we keep refining and refining and we never stop. We will one day be looking back on these early albums with pure hatred. They're great albums but they're piles of garbage. It's okay though we're good. I hope you enjoy us.
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